This is an important step towards really uniting the team. Moving away from the work environment and targeting a fun and engaging event is key to breaking down any barriers and triggering better relationships between your team. An event that sparks open discussion, laughter and fun team challenges is an easy way to do this. This can also go a little deeper and include team building events that require roll delegation, trust, team decision making or even leadership. However be weary if your team haven’t done a team building event before we suggest making the first based around fun to set them up for the second with more focused team building elements. We find in many occasions that larger companies have done so many team building events that those two words “TEAM BUILDING” trigger the thoughts of boring, waste of time, tedious and delegates are already disengaged before the event starts. So in this case you need to win them back over and once again gain that trust by ensuring this event is 90% fun. This will reinstate their faith in the “Team Building” words and look forward to the next one.